While I have been amazed at the energy, commitment and learnings of the students in this class, I too have learned from them. For over thirty years I have worked with the people these young students are encountering each day. As I watch and listen to them I have greater hope for the future. We are in a difficult time of dwindling resources and greater need. The problems are very real. These young men and women are beginning to understand the complexities of the issue of homelessness. They have been changed by the people they have met. At the same time they are carefully analyzing both the problem and the services being provided. Now I undertand why this simple class originated by Dr. Sara Officer so many years ago is so transformational for so many.

After spending the better part of the month with them my hope for the future has been renewed. These students have shown me that they truly care and are willing and anxious to learn. They will return to regular classes next month. They will bring with them new perspectives on life and service.

While we haven't quite crossed the finish line of our class together, it is my joy to say to Teams 1,2,3 & 4, "Well done."

Rev. David T. Alger, MSW


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Wang Center for Global Education, Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S. Tacoma, WA 98447 253-531-7577